If you need to complete your continuing education for the year, look no further than I2SL’s 2024 Education Week. Attendees can earn Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) by watching session recordings. Sessions are equivalent to 1.5 Learning Units from the American Institute for Architects (AIA).
Attendees will be able to report 2024 Education Week session attendance through an online survey. After attendees complete the form, they will be emailed a certificate to confirm their participation. Professional engineers and Green Building Council Institute (GBCI) members can use the certificate to self-report credits. I2SL will report attendance for registered AIA members as long as the AIA member number is included on the form. If you submit the form requesting CEUs, please email info@i2sl.org to let us know you have completed the form.
If you have any questions about Continuing Education Credits, please email info@i2sl.org.